Q: How do I edit a Routine that is in cycle?
A: When a Routine is in cycle it's not possible to edit it, so to edit a Routine it will first need to be taken out of cycle and there are a number of ways to do that.
When a Routine is "in cycle" it means that the Routine has a Status of Issued or Entered. If at the Issued stage you have the option of either completing the Work Order or you can instead cancel the Work Order.
To cancel a Work Order for a Routine at the Issued or Reverted stage go ahead and follow the steps below:
- Select the Work Order from the Work Screen
- Select the Enter button
- From the Work Order Details tab select the Cancelled check box
- Enter a comment into the Entry Comments field to state why the Work Order is being cancelled
- Select the Enter button
To cancel a Work Order for a Routine at the Entered stage go ahead and follow the steps below:
- Select the Work Order from the Work Screen
- Select the Verify button
- From the Work Order Details tab select the Rejected check box
- Enter a comment into the Verify Comments field to state why the Work Order is being rejected
- Select the Verify button
- At the Revert To Enter? prompt select Yes
- You will now see that the Work Order has been put into a status of Reverted
- To cancel the now Reverted Work Order simply follow the previous steps 1-5
Once this is done the Work Order will have been either Completed or Cancelled and you should now be able to go back into the Routine and make and updates required as it is no longer in cycle.
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