Why doesn’t my Routine show on the Work Screen?

Q: Why doesn’t my Routine show on the Work Screen?

A: There are a number of reasons that a Routine may not appear on the Work Screen for you including the Routine not being due, no Next Date being set for the Routine or the Instrument the Routine is associated to is not set to Open Maintenance.

1. The Routine you are looking for could be active, but it may not actually be Due. By default, the Work Screen will display all Routines that are Due, in cycle and Over Due based on the Due in Future (days) value set on the Routine Details tab.

If your Routine is not yet Due, we would recommend using the ‘Use Dates’ check box on the Work Screen. Selecting this check box allows you to set a date range which will refresh the Work Screen to show all Routines within that date range, regardless of what status the Routine is in. For more information on Issuing Routines that are not yet due click here.

2. The Routine you are looking for may not have a Next Date assigned to it. This means that the Routine is not actually scheduled yet and a Next Date must be assigned to it before it can appear on the Work Screen. To check if your Routine has a Next Date assigned please visit the Routine Details tab either from the Work Screen by selecting the magnifying glass next to the Routine or from the Instrument screen by selecting the Instrument the Routine is assigned to, selecting the View button and then selecting the Routine tab.

3. The Routine you are looking for may be assigned to an Instrument of which the Service Status is not set to Open Maintenance. For additional information on Instrument status’ please click here. If the Instrument Service Status is not set to Open Maintenance then the routine will not appear on the Work Screen. To check if your Instrument’s Service Status is set to Open Maintenance please visit the Instrument Details tab by going to the Instrument screen, selecting your Instrument and selecting the View button.

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