How do I log a user out of the application and when would I need to?

Q: How do I log a user out of the application and when would I need to?

A: Users can be logged out from the User screen under the Admin section.

To log a user out of the application go ahead and follow the steps below:

  1. Select the User screen under the Admin section,
  2. Select the user you wish to log out of the system,
  3. Select the  button.


You should now see a message stating 

Note that you cannot log out the user account you are currently using.

Here are a few scenarios why you may need to log a user out of the system:

  • The user may be logged in at another location and is unable to log in at a new location as a result.
  • The user may not have logged out of the system gracefully.
  • A configuration change is required and you need to log all users out of the system before proceeding.


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