I keep getting logged out, what is happening?

Q: I keep getting logged out, what is happening?

A: The application has an idle time out period which means that if a user remains idle for a set amount of time that the user will be logged out of the application.

The time out period, which defines how long it takes for idle users to be logged out, is a setting that can be configured in the application. To configure your time out period go ahead and follow the steps below:

  1. Select the Configuration screen under the Admin section,
  2. Once on the Configuration screen, select ,
  3. Next go ahead and change the Session Timeout in Minutes to the time out period preferable,
  4. After a preferable time out period has been set, select  to restart the application,

Please note that when editing the Configuration’s General tab, the application will require a restart for the updates to take effect and any logged in users will be logged out of the application.


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