Users can Issue multiple planned Routines from the Issue in Bulk Work Schedule Screen simultaneously. The Issue In Bulk screen will display all Instruments, Plant Items and Loops with a Due or OverDue status, including any Cancelled or Rejected Work Orders, within the specified Start and End Dates.
You can narrow down the displayed Routines by using the filters at the top of each column. You then also have the option to either select all Routines displayed in the current page of the grid by checking the Select All option in the grid header, or select a list of Routines by checking the check box next to each Tag. Once the required Routines are selected you can simply click the Issue button to issue the selected Routines.
Please note that Instruments and Routines in cycle or with a Closed Maintenance or Out of Service status will not appear on this screen.
Routines with a status of “Not Due” will also not appear by default. However should you want to include Not Due Routines then these can be made visible using the Start Date and End Date by setting the dates in the appropriate time frame.
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